Are you a Faithful, or a Traitor?
Join your joes RJ, Brandon, and Jeff as they dive into the most dramatic game of strategy, sabotage, betrayal, and murder and recap the newest season of THE TRAITORS!
Meet the Traitor Joes

Episode 11 Finale + Reunion Recap, Fooled on the Final Fire
The final fire fools all, and the season of The Traitors comes to an end

Episode 10 Recap, Selfish More Than Skillful
Shereé becomes the main character of the episode, who knew?!?

Episode 09 Recap, I Don't Have to Kiss Your Ass For A Rose
Will Phaedra survive the night or will she be BANISHED FOR ETERNITY?

Episode 08 Recap, I’m Not Frantic Like You
The queens continue to pass their iconic batons to one another, and we continue to stay sat!

Episode 04 Recap; A Mother Off
Episode 4 recap of The Traitors US Season 2 is here and we are having a MOTHER OFF!

Episodes 1 + 2 + 3 Recap, Asthmagate
Episodes 1-3 are out, and the Traitor Joes recap how this season is already bringing the drama like never before!

Meet the Joes Pre-Show + Season 1 Recap + Season 2 Cast
In the Pre-show episode of TRAITOR JOES, meet the JOES and their reality TV backgrounds, a quick summary and favorite moments of Season 1, and our top picks for Season 2!