Across the Ampliverse
Writing, news, and essays from the Ampliverse and its creators
It’s OK Not to Be OK: Mental Health Monthly
Owning up our struggles and learning how to ask for help when we need it most is the subject of this month's Mental Health Monthly, a mental health essay series.
You Deserve Rest: Mental Health Monthly
In this installment of an article series to help focus your intentions and mental health every month, we analyze the importance of rest and why we constantly negotiate with ourselves on taking a break.
Your Identity is True: Mental Health Monthly
In honor of Pride this year, Taylor explores her own queer identity and empowers others to be good to themselves as they go through their journeys, in this installment of an article series to help you focus your intentions for every month of the year.
You Can Get Through This: Mental Health Monthly
Being an advocate for mental health is May’s focus for the Mental Health Monthly, an article series to help you focus your intentions for every month of the year.
You Are Still Growing: Mental Health Monthly
Growth and allowing yourself to open up is April’s Mental Health Monthly, an article series to help you focus your intentions for every month of the year.
You Are Valuable: Mental Health Monthly
Comparisons, envy, and our mental well-being are in season this March for our Mental Health Monthly, an article series to help you focus your intentions for every month of the year.
You Are Worthy of Love: Mental Health Monthly
Self-love is the mantra this February in our first Mental Health Monthly, an article series to help you focus your intentions for every month of the year.